Synergy Rail has worked on a wide variety of assignmentss for various clients in Heavy Rail and Metro Environments. Examples of our project involvement are shown below:

  • LU SSR Our ProjectsOpen or Close
    Signalling - Assurance & Acceptance, London Underground    
    Safety and Compliance Assessment of proposed changes to systems, development of new products and railway signalling infrastructure and subsequent Certification for operation into revenue service:

    ♦ Audits of Signalling supplier software and hardware design management processes (Invensys Rail and Thales) and produced corrective action reports;

    ♦ Assessment and approval of cross-acceptance plans for the introduction of the Thales PMI Interlocking and Control System onto LU infrastructure;

    ♦ Benchmarking review of ATC Systems from Ansaldo, Alstom, Siemens, Thales, Invensys and Bombardier as part of the pre-qualification for the SSR ATC Signalling Project. Review included both system architecture as well as performance assessment based on visits to installations around the world from each supplier.

    ♦ Establisment of acceptance requirements, reviewed and subsequently Certified various signalling trackside products such as Track Circuits (FS2550 and EBI200), Point Machines (Surelock), Multisection Axle Counters (AzLM), LED Signals, Position Detectors (Frauscher) for use on London Underground

  • Metronet / LUOur ProjectsOpen or Close
    Professional Head (Signalling & Control), Metronet/LU  
    Discharged Safety Authority responsibility for Signalling and Control Assets and authorised all changes to Signalling Assets and associated procedures initiated through both Maintenance and Project initiatives:

    ♦ Established Maintenance Assurance process accepting the safety and reliability of the signalling operational infrastructure based on an Audit and Surveillance regime on an ongoing basis

    ♦ Established a competency management system for the accreditation of Asset Engineers undertaking Assurance Activities

    ♦ Established the type approval process for certification of all new and modified signalling systems for LU including production of associated Standards and procedures; 

    ♦ Established the Signalling Safety Review Panel process for London Underground undertaking a peer review of all new and modified systems and equipment and making recommendations for acceptance;

    ♦ Undertaken assessment of new signalling systems and products and provided guidance on verification and validation activities required for acceptance

    ♦ Authority for Signalling and Control Standards for the SSR and BCV Railways. Undertaken Standard reviews and updates and accredited to issue concessions where non-compliance was justified.

  • Union RailwaysOur ProjectsOpen or Close
    System Assurance - Signalling, Control & Communications, Channel Tunnel Rail Link (HS1)
    Engaged by URN Safety & Operations directorate to undertake the review and acceptance of Safety Cases by CoCoSig contractors on the CTRL Project, in accordance to Cenelec Standards and Yellow Book. Responsibilities included the provision of guidance and direction to contractors, undertaking the Independent Safety Assessment of deliverables and production of Safety Reports with recommendations for acceptance to SRP. Undertook surveillance and audits against Cenelec standards and managed the Independent Software Assessment for all signaling and control projects. Remit also included the safety strategy for the interface between Cab & Trackside Signalling, Temple Mills Depot & the St. Pancras International Station. 
  • RAM, Safety & EMC Our ProjectsOpen or Close
    RAM, System Safety & EMC Management, Optilan Communication Systems
    Tasked to produce the Safety Case for the safety related communication systems on the Channel Tunnel Rail Link project. Responsibilities included ownership of RAMS and EMC deliverables, conducting hazard reviews and safety analyses, production and maintenance of hazard log, liaison with client Safety Assurance Manager and other contractors. Safety Plans and Safety Cases for each system and EMC were produced and presented to SRP for acceptance.
  • Network Rail WCRMOur ProjectsOpen or Close
    Signalling and Control Engineering Management, Network Rail WCRM          
    Oct 02 – Jan 03

    Responsibility for design assurance and compliance on the West Coast Programme, supported by a multi-disciplined team of functional engineers. Set up the processes to ensure sub-projects delivered infrastructure compliant to client remit and Group & Company standards. I was also responsible for managing the development and approval of strategic new products and their introduction into service on the West Coast Main Line such as the Network Management Centre and ETCS. I also had strategic responsibility for EMC Assurance on all new infrastructure on the project.

  • Railtrack West Coast BOur ProjectsOpen or Close
    Systems Engineering & Integration Management, Railtrack West Coast           
     May 01 – Oct 02

    Commissioned by the Delivery Director for Control Systems to direct all engineering input, leading a multi-disciplined team of 60 engineers on a £2.2 Billion control systems programme.

    Responsibilities included:

    ♦ Establishing organization and processes to ensure that the Design & Construction activities were compliant to Group and Company standards as required by Railtrack’s Safety Case.

    ♦ Providing guidance and direction to contractors on Safety Approvals and production of the overall Control System Safety Plan and Safety Case.

    ♦ Production of Safety Cases for new technology and products to be implemented for the first time on the UK rail network (Axle Counters, LED Signals, new signal gantries and posts)

    ♦ Co-ordination of design integration throughout the Control Systems Delivery group and external interfaces, production of Systems Engineering Management Plan and concept of operations

    ♦ Ownership of technical scope for delivery and management of change control and impact analysis

  • Railtrack West Coast AOur ProjectsOpen or Close
    Programme Development , Railtrack West Coast Route Modernisation                       

    Delivery of the Control Systems technical remit and strategic management of scope change which aimed at establishing optimum solutions that met the sponsor’s requirements. Also represented Railtrack at the ERTMS Users Group in developing and delivering a compliant Train Control System in the UK. Produced annual proposals to obtain funding from EU for the various work packages associated with the system development and testing and managed implementation on the test track at Old Dalby where the prototype system was being trialed. 

  • Railtrack East Anglia ZoneOur ProjectsOpen or Close
    Business Development, Railtrack East Anglia Zone                 
    Production of the 10 year infrastructure investment plan for Railtrack’s East Anglia Zone, covering both Asset Renewals to maintain desired levels of performance and safety as well as network enhancements. With a team of 10 engineers, the role involved liaison with maintainers to establish asset condition, carrying-out feasibility studies, production and presentation of business cases to established budgets, preparation of technical specifications and requirements for delivery. Evaluated the approval potential of new technology to deliver cost effective solutions for the renewal of the Zone’s railway infrastructure and introduced new technology successfully though the RT formal product approval process. 
  • Railtrack Southern Zone Our ProjectsOpen or Close
    Signalling Control Systems Engineer, Railtrack Southern Zone                          
    Developed strategy and plans for the modernization and renewal of the Zone’s signaling systems to maintain and improve the network performance. Role involved capturing requirements, developing outline project specifications and project management remits. Provided technical support to the project managers for the duration of the project lifecycle and produced technical solutions on interface issues between the existing and new signaling systems. Development and managed process for the handover/handback of infrastructure between projects and maintainers.
  • Railtrack South Zone Our ProjectsOpen or Close
    Signal Maintenance & Testing - Railtrack South Zone               
    Auditing of Railtrack contractor’s maintenance and testing function to conform with mandatory principles and practices. Where the age and location of the equipment made the application of standards difficult, risk assessment was applied in order to consider concessions. Undertaken audits on both the standard of maintenance of the signalling equipment as well as the maintenance contractor’s organisation for it’s ability to fulfill their contractual obligation within the framework of railway standards. Ensured that appropriate testing plans were produced, approved and complied with by carrying out tests at the worksite. 


Our Skills

Synergy Rail has a range of skills to offer our clients which include:

  • New and Novel Safety Critical Technology Introduction
  • Railway Product Development, Assessment and Certification (LU Accredited)
  • Systems Engineering and Integration Services (Complex Multi-disciplinary Projects)
  • Programme Engineering Management (Design, Installation, TEsting and Commissioning)
  • System Safety Management and Hazard Assessment (Fully Compliant to CSM)
  • Safety Case Development for Signalling and Control Systems and their Implemetation
  • Independent Safety Assessment (ISA & ISwA in accordance with CENELEC Standards)
  • EMC/EMI Management and Assessment
  • Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) Management

Synergy Rail is different

Our goal is to position Synergy Rail as a market leader in the provision of specialist consultancy services to Metro, Main Line and  High Speed Line transportation systems. Our people embrace a client-centred culture that actively nurtures and maintains industry networks, develops a comprehensive understanding of our client's businesses, cultivates long- term partnerships and fosters a collaborative working approach. 

We are committed to the continual improvement of the effectiveness of our own management system, which encompasses all professional services undertaken for our clients, and always adhere to client’s own Quality Management Systems.
